Unit 1

Monday, October 18, 2010

Food Labelling

* Questions and Assignment*

Text: Food for Life ~ pg. 100-103

1.    How are labels in Canada regulated? (1)

2.    What information must be on a label by Canadian Law? (4)

3.    Why do you think it is important to list the ingredients in order of amounts? (1)

4.    What is the purpose of nutritional labelling? (1)

5.    What is RDI? (1)

6.    We all need different amounts of vitamins and minerals so why was the RDI established? (1)

7.    What do the following terms mean? (3)
a)    Nutritional Information:

b)    Serving Size:

c)    Energy:

8. Choose a food product to create. Design a food label with at least ten different pieces of information on it. Due: _________________________.  (Application,Communication)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nutrient Poster
Carbohydrates – Sugar, Starch, Fibre
Fat – Saturated, Unsaturated
Protein – Complete, Incomplete
Vitamin – A, B’s, C, D, E, Folic Acid
Mineral –Calcium, Iron , Potassium

  • Main Functions
  • Food sources
  • Effects of an imbalance (too much or too little)
  • Interesting facts: serving sizes, recommended daily intake, diseases, recipes  
After choosing a nutrient you are responsible for researching the following information to develop a visually appealing poster to present these details: